Installing CuteFTP
- Download CuteFTP 1.4 from New York Connect's Windows 95/98 Software page.
- Create a folder or directory on your hard drive.
- Unzip the file's contents into the new folder or directory
using either Pkunzip or Winzip.
- Locate the directory in your Windows Explorer.
- Click with your right mouse button, and drag the "Cutftp32.exe" icon to your desktop, then select Create shortcut(s) here.
- Doubleclick the shortcut to start up the CuteFTP program.
6. Click the Add site button.7. Once in the FTP Site Edit screen, fill out the following:
- For the Site Label field, enter an easily identifiable name for the session (see example below).
- The Host Address is in small letters.
- Put your account username in the User ID field, and your password in the Password field.
- Confirm that the Login type is set to Normal, and the Transfer type is on either Image or Auto-Detect.
- If you know which directory you will work with frequently on your PC, you may enter it into the Initial Local Directory field. If not, leave it blank:
8. Click OK to get back to the Site Manager screen.
- In the Site Manager window, either double-click the session line on the right side, or highlight it and click the Connect button:
- Once connected, two sides of files will be revealed:
- The left side shows a location on your PC (Local)
- The right side shows a location online (Remote)
3. To upload a homepage, double-click the public_html folder/directory on the remote side.4. On the local side, navigate to your directory/folder where you have your files intended to upload.
(Tip: If you know where on your PC it is, click the shaded area which displays the directory, and a window will pop up for you to enter the directory path or new drive)
5. Once the correct directories on both sides are located, you can save these settings to the profile. In the Session menu, select to save either the remote or local paths:
6. Once the local directory on the left is located, and the file you want to send up is in view, you may either click-n-drag it to the other side, or double-click it. Say Yes to confirm, and up it goes!
(Like most Windows file areas, holding either the ALT or CTRL buttons down while clicking on more than one file can yield alternate results where sending up multiple files are concerned)7. Depending on the size of your file(s), once the uploading is complete, you will see on the right/remote side the files displayed:
Right-Clicking is a fact of life for Windows 95/98 users. Applying this maneuver to CuteFTP is no exception. Try right-clicking on a file or in a directory area and learn your options. There are a number of convenient features you can take advantage of.
D. David |